Articles tagged with: "Laravel"

Using LEMP stack on Ubuntu to host a Laravel app

LEMP stack is a go-to environment for many PHP-based apps. See how you can install and configure all of the necessary components for running Laravel.

Running custom Artisan commands with Supervisor

While Supervisor is commonly used with queue-related commands, there is nothing stopping you from using Supervisor to run and monitor your own custom commands.

EmailOctopus SDKs for PHP and Laravel

EmailOctopus is an affordable and straightforward email marketing platform. Check out how you can effortlessly utilize their API from your PHP-based application.

Send, validate, and store Base64 files with Laravel

Learn how to parse and store Base64 files when sending pure JSON requests to your Laravel application.

Using Laravel to interact with OpenAI's Assistants API (with Vision)

A step-by-step guide on how to utilize the new Assistants and Vision APIs with Laravel.